Wave function specification
Number of closed shell electrons |
76 |
Number of electrons in active shells |
12 |
Max number of holes in RAS1 space |
0 |
Max nr of electrons in RAS3 space |
0 |
Number of inactive orbitals |
38 |
Number of active orbitals |
12 |
Number of secondary orbitals |
407 |
Spin quantum number |
1.0 |
State symmetry |
1 |
Total molecular charge |
0.00 |
Orbital specifications
Symmetry species |
1 |
a |
Frozen orbitals |
0 |
Inactive orbitals |
38 |
Active orbitals |
12 |
RAS1 orbitals |
0 |
RAS2 orbitals |
12 |
RAS3 orbitals |
0 |
Secondary orbitals |
407 |
Deleted orbitals |
0 |
Number of basis functions |
457 |
CI expansion specifications
Number of determinants |
627264 |
Number of root(s) required |
3 |
CI roots used / Weights |
Highest root included in the CI |
3 |
Root passed to geometry opt. |
3 |
Root |
Total energy (au) |
∆E (eV) |
∆E (cm-1) |
1 |
-514.334938 |
0.00 |
0 |
2 |
-514.286232 |
1.33 |
10690 |
3 |
-514.286205 |
1.33 |
10695 |
Wave functions / Weights of the most important CSFs
Conf |
111111111111 |
Roots |
1 |
2 |
3 |
Natural Occupation numbers
Electrostatic moments
Dipole moment [Debye]
Quadrupole moment [Debye**Ang]
Wave function specification
Number of closed shell electrons |
50 |
Number of electrons in active shells |
12 |
Max number of holes in RAS1 space |
0 |
Max nr of electrons in RAS3 space |
0 |
Number of inactive orbitals |
25 |
Number of active orbitals |
12 |
Number of secondary orbitals |
407 |
Spin quantum number |
1.0 |
State symmetry |
1 |
Total molecular charge |
0.00 |
Orbital specifications
Symmetry species |
1 |
a |
Frozen orbitals |
13 |
Inactive orbitals |
25 |
Active orbitals |
12 |
Secondary orbitals |
407 |
Deleted orbitals |
0 |
Number of basis functions |
457 |
Electrostatic moments
Dipole moment [Debye]
Quadrupole moment [Debye**Ang]
Single-State CASPT2
Root |
Total energy (au) |
∆E (eV) |
∆E (cm-1) |
Ref. Weight |
1 |
-516.2685811908 |
0.00 |
0 |
0.61186 |
2 |
-516.2281628444 |
1.10 |
8871 |
0.60857 |
3 |
-516.2281375331 |
1.10 |
8876 |
0.60857 |
Wave function specification
Number of closed shell electrons |
76 |
Number of electrons in active shells |
12 |
Max number of holes in RAS1 space |
0 |
Max nr of electrons in RAS3 space |
0 |
Number of inactive orbitals |
38 |
Number of active orbitals |
12 |
Number of secondary orbitals |
407 |
Spin quantum number |
1.0 |
State symmetry |
1 |
Total molecular charge |
0.00 |
Electrostatic moments
Dipole moment [Debye]
Quadrupole moment [Debye**Ang]
Wave function specification
Number of closed shell electrons |
50 |
Number of electrons in active shells |
12 |
Max number of holes in RAS1 space |
0 |
Max nr of electrons in RAS3 space |
0 |
Number of inactive orbitals |
25 |
Number of active orbitals |
12 |
Number of secondary orbitals |
407 |
Spin quantum number |
1.0 |
State symmetry |
1 |
Total molecular charge |
0.00 |
Orbital specifications
Symmetry species |
1 |
a |
Frozen orbitals |
13 |
Inactive orbitals |
25 |
Active orbitals |
12 |
Secondary orbitals |
407 |
Deleted orbitals |
0 |
Number of basis functions |
457 |
CI expansion specifications
Number of determinants |
627264 |
Number of root(s) required |
3 |
CI roots used / Weights |
Highest root included in the CI |
3 |
Root passed to geometry opt. |
3 |
Root |
Total energy (au) |
∆E (eV) |
∆E (cm-1) |
1 |
-514.335305 |
0.00 |
0 |
2 |
-514.286309 |
1.33 |
10753 |
3 |
-514.286270 |
1.33 |
10762 |
Wave functions / Weights of the most important CSFs
Conf |
111111111111 |
Roots |
1 |
2 |
3 |
Natural Occupation numbers
Electrostatic moments
Dipole moment [Debye]
Quadrupole moment [Debye**Ang]
Single-State CASPT2
Root |
Total energy (au) |
∆E (eV) |
∆E (cm-1) |
Ref. Weight |
1 |
-516.2688336478 |
0.00 |
0 |
0.61257 |
2 |
-516.2281577507 |
1.11 |
8927 |
0.60928 |
3 |
-516.2281236802 |
1.11 |
8935 |
0.60928 |